Responsible Bartending
Get a responsible serving® of alcohol permit from Rserving


Licensing in Utah

PSCC's bartender certification course has been REVIEWED and APPROVED by the Utah ApprovedDepartment of Alcoholic Beverage Control for bartender certification and server certification permits in Utah.

Do you need a license or permit to sell alcohol at a grocery store or convenience store in Utah? Take our state approved E.A.S.Y. Training Course

Do you need a bartending license or permit to sell/serve alcohol for on premises consumption in Utah? Take our state approved UT Responsible Serving® course.

Both course comply with every requirement of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for bartender certification and server certification permits in Utah for on premises and off premises consumption. The courses go over Utah's specific information that you need to know to get certified as an alcohol seller, server, or bartender in Utah.

Utah regulations are governed by the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Contact Information:
Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Telephone: (801) 977-6800

Alabama Wyoming Wisconsin West Virginia Washington Washington Virginia Vermont Utah Tennessee South Dakota South Carolina Rhode Island Pennsylvania Oregon Oklahoma Ohio North Dakota North Carolina New York New Mexico New Jersey New Hampshire California Nevada Nebraska Montana Missouri Mississippi Minnesota Michigan Massachussets Maryland Maine Louisiana Kentucky Kansas Iowa Indiana Illinois Illinois Idaho Idaho Idaho Hawaii Georgia Georgia Delaware Connecticut Colorado Arkansas Arizona Texas Florida Alaska Alabama Choose a state to view bartending license requirements for that state.

Click on your state to find out more information about state requirements for selling or serving alcohol.

Choose a state to view bartending license requirements for that state.
Click on your state to find out more information about state requirements for selling or serving alcohol.

Minimum ages to bartend

Alabama 21
Alaska 21
Arizona 19
Arkansas 21
California 21
Colorado 18*
Connecticut 18
Delaware 21
District of Columbia 21
Florida 18
Georgia 18
Hawaii 18
Idaho 19
  Illinois 18**
Indiana 21
Iowa 18
Kansas 21
Kentucky 20
Louisiana 18
Maine 18
Maryland 21
Massachusetts 18
Michigan 18
Minnesota 18
Mississippi 21
Missouri 21
  Montana 18
Nebraska 19
Nevada 21
New Hampshire 18
New Jersey 18
New Mexico 21
New York 18
North Carolina 21
North Dakota 21
Ohio 21
Oklahoma 21
Oregon 21
Pennsylvania 18
  Rhode Island 18
South Carolina 21
South Dakota 21
Tennessee 18
Texas 18
Utah 21
Vermont 18
Virginia 21
Washington 21
West Virginia 18*
Wisconsin 18
Wyoming 21